The Entertainment Club establishes a calendar of events for 12 months ahead and assists in planning the events, including food and beverage, decorations and entertainment. Events are held on all major holidays and on numerous other dates during the year.
The club consists of up to 22 members. The club meets monthly and as needed, especially for decorating projects and monthly meetings. Members of the club ideally have a background in event planning and implementation The Club is divided into four major committees which are then divided into sub committees which are responsible for the day to day running of various activities. Each committee is run by a Director and each sub-committee is headed by a Manager.
The duties of the Director are as follows however not limited to:
The duty of each manager is to ensure the smooth running of their sub-committee and relay all information to the Director of the Committee, Manager will be solely in charge if their designated projects and are allowed to form teams as per their choices.